The Jester



The sketch

The sketch

"It takes a madman to become a Jester."

According to legend, the first time a Jester – or an Irran as they were called in the Old Language – made a public appearance, they wiped out an entire army invading the city of Vimme without touching a single person. Truly nothing to laugh at, the name Jester refers to the Irrans' tentacles that resemble a court jester's hat and the maniacal cackling that shadowed this first Jester's every move.

Rumours suggest that Jesters were once regular people with a strong affinity for magic. It appears that a Jester's skin color change and the tentacles that are formed are side-effects of the major transformation they go through to reach the peak of their powers. The tentacles and their third eye seem to suggest their powers are linked with the primordial gods of the Void - gods that had been long forgotten.